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Tap like a Pro: WTF is EFT?

Ready to Tap like a Pro but still a bit unsure WTF is going on with EFT?

EFT = Emotional Freedom Technique

It is a combination of Chinese Medicine and Modern Psychology. It blends gentle tapping on meridian or acupressure points with the verbal or mental acknowledgment of whatever it is that is cause stress in the mind and body.

This could be a negative thought, emotion or even physical problem like a headache. Tapping is a simple yet mind-blowing tool. I say it a lot, but I am continually amazed at how quickly it can work to relieve stress and boost your mood. By quickly I mean, in like 5 minutes. EFT = Emotional Freedom Technique. It’s a combination of aspects of Chinese Medicine (the meridian system) and Modern Psychology (acknowledgement of how you feel).

It blends gentle tapping on meridian or acupressure points with the verbal or mental acknowledgement of whatever it is that is causing stress in the mind and body. This could be a negative thought, emotion or even a physical problem like a headache. Tapping reduces stress effectively and quickly

As you tap the points, you are making direct impact on the amygdala in the brain to lower cortisol levels, effectively taking the body out of fight or flight.

Research has shown that after tapping:

Cortisol levels can drop by 37%

Anxiety can drop by 40%

Pain can drop by 57%

Cravings can drop by 74%

EFT helps us to let go of emotions, thoughts and beliefs,

If you’re an overthinker, have been holding a grudge, if you’re grieving, feeling like you’ll never get ahead or that you’re stuck in a cycle. Maybe you have big dreams but feel too tied down to your baggage to actually achieve them.

EFT can help you process and clear the junk in your trunk so that you can move forward with clarity, peace and freedom.

You can tap on almost anything, but remember to take care of yourself.

Tapping can help with a range of issues including; weight loss, stress and anxiety, depression, insomnia, lack of self-confidence or self-worth, physical pain, grief and trauma.

If you are new to tapping, always go gently and work with a practitioner for extra support.

Here are some quick tips to help you get started.

· Download my Free Tapping Kit which includes tapping meditations, and a daily practise guide.

· Journal about how you’re feeling today and tap on any emotions or stress that you’d like to clear.

· Reach out to me for a private session to supercharge your tapping practice.

👯‍♀️ Work with me 1:1 ✨I offer both Single Private EFT & Reiki Sessions, as well as Remedy Deepen whicj is my signature, 3 Month Package where I work with clients 1:1 using transformative EFT and coaching. Remedy is for you if the life you’re living is not the one you envisioned, and you find yourself constantly caught up in the daily stresses of life, feeling blocked, stuck or alone.

In 3 months we will work through past hurts, experiences and shame so you can emerge as the empowered & confident version of you. This deep work has completely transformed and changed my life, my direction, my future and I know it can do the same for you. Learn more about Remedy. 

⭐️ Coming Home - 4 Weeks to Create a Magical Tapping Practise ⭐️

This 4 Week self-paced Course will teach you the transformative power of EFT Tapping, and support you in deepening your connection to yourself, your intuition, and your truth.

Tags: EFT tapping for stress relief

  • Emotional Freedom Technique explained

  • How EFT tapping works

  • EFT for anxiety and stress

  • EFT for emotional healing

  • Tapping for physical pain relief

  • EFT for weight loss support

  • Benefits of EFT tapping

  • EFT for self-confidence and self-worth

  • EFT tapping for overthinkers

  • EFT for grief and trauma

  • How to use EFT for emotional release

  • EFT for insomnia relief

  • EFT tapping and Chinese Medicine

  • Boost mood with EFT tapping

  • EFT for mental clarity

  • Emotional healing with EFT tapping

  • Tapping for negative thoughts

  • Letting go of emotional baggage with EFT

  • EFT for improving mental health

  • How EFT can improve your well-being


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