Consistency vs Persistence
Consistency vs Persistence is something I’ve been thinking about lately.
In my early days of corporate life, all of my feedback was excellent bar one thing - I needed to be more consistent.
I don’t know if this is where that particular story was born, or if it was just an echo of an earlier experience. But from it, shame stemmed forth and for most of my 20s I goaded myself constantly, my lack of consistency frustrating me.
Mentally I could plan, create the framework, see the daily action required… but I couldn’t do the doing.
I couldn’t get up at 5am every day for a run. I couldn’t write blogs every week. I didn’t have the energy.
It made me feel forever behind, forever striving for this underlying goal:
Be. More. Consistent.
I do think there’s merit to consistency. I show up for regular appointments I have scheduled. It’s important that I meditate daily, take my supplements, and move my body in ways that are supportive… That there are these loose routines for me to follow.
But this belief that I had to keep showing up even when I felt drained and ready to retreat.... It didn’t make sense. It didn’t honour my cycles, my goals, my intuition.
And it made me feel like shit.
Enter; Persistence.
Persistence is my way of re-writing this belief that it will only work if I’m consistent.
Persistence is failing upwards.
Persistence creates space for flexibility, for doing things differently.
Persistence allows for grace in moments of disappointment.
Persistence is forgiving. Of the mis-steps. The lost opportunities. The unexpected twists and turns.
Persistence listens, adapts, changes. She melds to what’s happening around her, within her.
Persistence teaches that rest is ok, that lying low is fine. That authenticity is paramount and that there’s plenty. Of. Time.
Persistence keeps me coming back here after days or weeks of silence.
Persistence invites you back here to play with me, to listen to me, to work with me - when I’m ready… And when you’re ready to.
I’m persisting, because I love what I do; and I want to feel supported and lit up doing it.
Different strokes for different folks and all of that, but maybe persistence is calling you too?
E x
👯♀️ Work with me 1:1 ✨I offer both Single Private EFT & Reiki Sessions, as well as Remedy Deepen whicj is my signature, 3 Month Package where I work with clients 1:1 using transformative EFT and coaching. Remedy is for you if the life you’re living is not the one you envisioned, and you find yourself constantly caught up in the daily stresses of life, feeling blocked, stuck or alone.
In 3 months we will work through past hurts, experiences and shame so you can emerge as the empowered & confident version of you. This deep work has completely transformed and changed my life, my direction, my future and I know it can do the same for you. Learn more about Remedy.
⭐️ Coming Home - 4 Weeks to Create a Magical Tapping Practise ⭐️
This 4 Week self-paced Course will teach you the transformative power of EFT Tapping, and support you in deepening your connection to yourself, your intuition, and your truth.
Tags: Consistency vs Persistence, overcoming perfectionism, breaking free from guilt over inconsistency, how to create sustainable habits, overcoming self-criticism for lack of consistency, how to honor your cycles and energy, overcoming the pressure to always show up, flexibility in achieving goals, the difference between consistency and persistence, how to heal with persistence, the power of persistence in healing, self-compassion for falling behind, why it's okay to take breaks, how persistence helps you bounce back from setbacks, overcoming shame for not being consistent, embracing your intuition in goal-setting, EFT for shifting limiting beliefs about consistency, Reiki for releasing guilt and shame around goals, how to use persistence to overcome self-doubt, finding peace with rest and recovery, EFT for overcoming the pressure to perform, using Reiki to heal feelings of inadequacy, how persistence leads to growth, emotional healing through persistence, healing emotional blocks around commitment and follow-through with EFT, the power of self-forgiveness in achieving goals, EFT and Reiki for building resilience, persistence over perfectionism, how Reiki can help you navigate your personal cycles, why rest is part of the process, using EFT to release the fear of failure, persistence as a form of self-love, the spiritual side of persistence, honoring your journey with Reiki and EFT, using persistence to reconnect with your purpose, creating space for flexibility and authenticity in your goals, persistence as a tool for emotional freedom, how persistence allows for growth, embracing imperfection with Reiki and EFT, persistence in business and personal growth, how persistence supports you in getting back on track, releasing limiting beliefs with EFT to embrace persistence.